Engaging with Argentine Cuisine from Philly, By Wendy Lliguichuzhca

Engaging with Argentine Cuisine from Philly, By Wendy Lliguichuzhca

Over this past week of interning virtually in Buenos Aires, I’ve tried to find different ways to further connect and explore Argentina. Through a virtual tour organized by the Puentes team, my internship cohort and I were able to explore the neighborhood of San Telmo in real-time. Seeing the neighborhood and abundance of street art allowed me to gain a greater sense of the location I’ll be working in throughout these nine weeks. At one point in the walk-through, our tour guide, Santiago, took us to the historic Mercado de San Telmo, where we saw many small shops selling things ranging from fresh produce and meats to antiques. Seeing the different spaces in the market made me reflect on how my internship work on nutrition and lactation needs to be contextualized by local lived experiences, such as going to markets like that in San Telmo. While that’s difficult with a virtual internship, my conversations with my supervisor and the resources she’s provided me with have helped.
