Marketing Development Consultancy

This marketing-focused organization has been working to scale companies and campaigns from their infancy to over 1 million voters or over US$10 million for more than a decade. By learning how to acquire users online and then scaling up online user acquisition, the organization ensures that clients are satisfied and ready for the big leagues.

Industry: Marketing & Advertising; Technology & Web Development
Sector: For-Profit Company
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Possible Intern Roles:


The intern will work directly with the company’s founder and CEO to do creative marketing brainstorming, creative marketing research, and creative marketing writing. The intern will also undertake general business development and business support projects to help facilitate the company’s growth and increased impact.

Suggested Spanish level: No Spanish required
Candidate requirements: A love of words, strong attention to detail, creativity, good research skills.


In the words of past interns:

“I’ve learned how to navigate working remotely while learning about an industry I’m really interested in so it’s exciting. A lot of the people who work there are from different countries. It was interesting to interact with everyone.” - Fernanda B., Marketing Intern, from University of Pennsylvania
