
Education Technology NGO

This organization was established in 1994 with the purpose of contributing to and enhancing the impact of social projects in Argentina and the region, carried out by NGOs, individuals, and alliances between companies, the government, and social actors. Since its inception, it has trained more than 50,000 individuals from over 3,500 social organizations in Argentina and the Latin American region through its programs, such as seminars, events, training sessions, consultancy services, among others.

Youth-Focused NGO

This non profit organization was founded in Argentina by Salesian (Catholic) priests over 150 years ago and now operates successfully in 22 provinces. Their team works very closely with communities to support education and job-skills training programs aimed at young people. Their mission is to establish safe spaces for children and young adults to live, study, play and worship. The intern could work in Communications & Social Media and/or Fundraising.

Women in Leadership Nonprofit

This global nonprofit works to empower women leaders It was founded on the concept that countries and communities cannot move forward without women’s voices in leadership positions. In Argentina the organization promotes women to lead their communities in economic, political and social progress. The intern could work in Program Management, Communications and Social Media, or Fundraising.

International Pastoral Service Organization

This international nonprofit is a social, educational, and pastoral organization with a focus on young people and communities in vulnerable contexts. It is active in over 130 countries, and has over 100 centers across Argentina. Their centers include a school, open courtyard, a community center and a parish. They work transparently alongside donors, organizations, and companies committed to education. The intern could work in Marketing & Advertising, Fundraising, Communications & Social Media, and/or Marketing & Writing.

Entrepreneur Incubator

This global nonprofit pioneered the concept of High-Impact Entrepreneurship in emerging markets. Headquartered in New York City, with 21 independently run country affiliates, the organization transforms economies by identifying and supporting high-potential entrepreneurs. Practicing a tested “mentor capitalist” model, the NGO affiliates help entrepreneurs overcome barriers to growth by providing the key ingredients to success: mentorship, networks, strategic advice, talent, skills, access to smart capital, and inspiration. Guided by the NGO, these entrepreneurs generate sustainable economic growth and jobs, become role models, and help nurture a culture of entrepreneurship, which spurs investment and encourages people to innovate and think big. The intern could work in Fundraising, Communications, and/or Research & Analysis.

Community Development Organization Argentina

The civil society organization seeks to overcome the situation of poverty for millions of people living in popular settlements, through the joint action of their inhabitants and the young volunteers who work with the organization in 19 countries in Latin America. In Argentina, the organization works in nine states and has a powerful leadership team of young professionals who are making a big impact. The intern could work in Research and Analysis and/or Monitoring and Evaluation.

Non-Profit Advocating for Sustainable Policies

This non-profit was founded in 1985. They aim to collectively construct a democratic and participatory society and advocate for public policies in favor of sustainable development. The NGO strives to achieve this goal through advocacy in the political, institutional, and social sectors of the public agenda. Their values are intellectual honesty, transparency, collaboration, an academic foundation of opinions in the framework of interdisciplinary and innovative work, responsible human development, preventive and precautionary actions, institutionalism, and rule of law. They are dedicated to promoting access to public information and justice.. The intern could work in Communications and Social Media and/or Fundraising.

Public Policy Think Tank

The Public Policy Think Tank is an independent, nonpartisan and non-profit organization that produces knowledge and offers recommendations to build better public policies. The intern could work in Research & Analysis, Fundraising, and/or Monitoring & Evaluation.

Sustainable Education Center

This Sustainable Education Center is a place that seeks to put forward ideas about a future that is not only sustainable, but regenerative. A place to consider resilient paths toward the future. The central principle guiding our teaching is how to make the human and natural world healthier and more diverse, which includes social equality, freedom and tolerance. The intern could work in Fundraising and/or Research and Analysis.

Anti-Malnutrition Foundation

Anti-Malnutrition Foundation is a non-profit organization that fights the scourge of child malnutrition throughout Latin America. Founded by Dr. Abel Pascual Albino in the province of Mendoza, Argentina, on September 4, 1993, the foundation has grown to more than 100 franchised Anti-Malnutrition Foundation Centers, distributed in 18 provinces of Argentina and in other countries. The methodology focuses on the time from pregnancy to 4 to 5 years of age, which are the critical “first 1000 days” in which the child must consume all the necessary nutrients. The intern could work in Communications & Advocacy and/or Fundraising.

Housing Development Nonprofit

Nonprofit organization that promotes access to adequate housing for the most vulnerable populations. Through the organization’s projects, they offer families living in inadequate conditions the opportunity to manage a solution to their housing problem. The organization also promotes human and community development to ensure a sustainable solution over time. The intern could work in Communications, Fundraising, Project Coordination and/or Accounting and Finance.

Latin American Human Rights Organization

The Latin American Human Rights Organization is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that works in the promotion and protection of human rights throughout Latin America, seeking to create a culture based on unrestricted respect for the fundamental rights of people. Through its work for the defense of human rights, Latin American Human Rights Organization denounces violations of fundamental rights, presents legislative and public policy proposals, and promotes litigation both nationally and internationally. The intern could work in Research & Analysis, Communications & Social Media and/or Fundraising.

Digital Civic Technology Project

The Digital Civic Technology Project aims to strengthen social organizations in their trajectory to become more autonomous and independent in the use of new technologies. As a non-profit organization that works with and for CSOs in Latin America, Digital Civic Technology Project knows the advantages that technology can offer to social initiatives and has the tools and knowledge to enhance the impact of organizations with innovative ideas. The intern could work in: Fundraising and/or Research and Analysis.

Fintech Startup

This fintech startup company is dedicated to providing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with solutions to short-term financing problems (working capital), using technology and innovative business models. While SMEs benefit from better solutions for financing their businesses, investors will also gain new investment opportunities that were always controlled by a few institutions. The intern could work in Business Development, Research and Analysis, and/or Graphic and Web Design.

Human Dignity Organization

The human dignity organization works for people in situations of vulnerability, so that they can live, grow, and grow old with dignity. We achieve our goals through educational, health, and social programs in homes, palliative care centers, educational centers, mental health centers, and trade workshops. The intern could work in Fundraising, Monitoring and Evaluation, and/or Coordination and Service.

Sustainable Diversity Management Foundation

The foundation seeks to build and support solid and strong institutions with good governance practices. The objective is for the institutions to be sustainable through diversity management, in order to make the world better for everyone. The intern could work in Fundraising and/or Marketing and Writing.

Anti Poverty Volunteer Network

This foundation works to bring opportunities to children and adolescents who live in the context of poverty through different programs with an emphasis on education and health. It also fosters a culture of solidarity and world citizenship for adolescents, promoting and scaling projects designed by restless young people within the reality of their environments, whose purpose is to generate change in their communities. The intern could work in Coordination and Service, Fundraising, Graphic Design and Social Media, and/or Research and Analysis.
